I have been here (Oregon) for a couple of weeks taking care of my mom. She had a couple of strokes a few months ago and it really messed her up. She went to hospital with acute kidney failure. She stayed there 2days and then wanted to go home. My brother-in-law who lives in a tiny trailer in the back, was taking care of her. He was doing the best he could but she was real sick etc. Me & Kevin (my handsome husband) discussed the situation and it was apparent that I needed to come take care of her. When I got here I was shocked at here condition.
Long story short I will be going home Wednesday. It's bitter sweet, I am so frightened that she will hurt herself, she is having severe pain in left foot. Thankfully we got an appt with foot Dr. for Tues. Oh, I love my mommy so much and I really wish she would say Yes to coming home with me. I really want to take care of her at my house we have plenty of room for her.
I purchased several jewelry books and magazines and have been flipping through them, tomorrow I will send them home in flat rate box...
It just makes me so excited about creating jewelry again. I have some many ideas rolling around in my head... I miss you my handsome husband and my baby doggies so much it hurts.
Well, it's time to go eat ice cream, I scooped it up already so all I have to do is take mom hers and make sure mine has enough chocolate and nuts and I will be in Heaven...
Till next post and hopefully it's not a year from now.......
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